Texas International Education Consortium

Our Impact

We ground ourselves in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and aim to contribute to solving these global challenges through our international education activities. TIEC's involvement can elevate educational initiatives, providing institutions with the tools and expertise needed to make a lasting impact on their students and society. 

Universities and higher education institutions are uniquely positioned to bring together resources for impactful research, partnerships, and collaborations. Faculty can encourage the right kind of discussions to educate students at a pivotal time of their lives. Students can envision their individual and collective roles in solving these challenges.


Focus on Energy Transition

Located at the epicenter of the U.S. energy industry, TIEC members have long histories of research and academic programs on energy resource production and power systems, and more recently, on renewables, integration, data sciences for energy, and smart grids. They are also leaders in research commercialization. We seek to develop critical thinkers with empathy and firsthand experience, prepared for a career on an interconnected planet.  As the world works to achieve a just energy transition, we know we must build talent pipelines in our most climate-impacted regions. Universities play a vital role in educating, skilling, and reskilling.

We at TIEC are committed to building greater talent and bringing home-grown ingenuity to the development of green agriculture, clean energy technology, and entrepreneurship across the global south. We can assist with this by transferring needed knowledge and skills to higher education institutions in countries most impacted by climate. Universities are the institutions that will build a future cohort of green leaders, and are the trusted voices to provide data-informed, evidence-based interventions.