A Just Energy Transition in South Africa

Partnerships to address the need for greater workforce development in South Africa to adapt to evolving energy production opportunities.

Workforce Development service
Renewable Energy
Energy Transition 

This partnership with the U.S. Embassy Pretoria and Universities South Africa (USAF) addresses the need for greater workforce development in South Africa to adapt to evolving energy production opportunities. With a focus on the goals of the Just Energy Transition in South Africa, the program primarily targets universities, community colleges, and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programs in Texas and South Africa. The program will promote cross-cultural collaboration across U.S. and South African institutions to develop innovative action plans for the energy transition, foster international partnership for climate solutions, and engage and uplift communities’ education and skills development.

This program has equal application in Texas as Texas’s reliance on renewable energy continues to scale rapidly.  The economic and social impact of a rapid energy transition on vulnerable and marginalized communities exists in both environments. Through the exchange program, institutions share best practices and expertise in curriculum development and alignment with renewable energy workforce needs, understand the imperative for the development of assessment tools for policymakers, and share public-private partnership models in the areas of renewable energy innovation and commercialization and workforce and skills development.

Universities South Africa (USAf)
Universities South Africa (USAf) is a non-profit membership organization representative of South Africa’s 26 public universities. USAf endorses a comprehensive, responsive, sustainable and equitable national higher education system. Through lobbying and advocacy, and its flagship programs, USAf promotes and facilitates an optimal environment conducive for Universities to function effectually and maximally contribute to the social, cultural, and economic advancement of South Africa. For more information on USAf please visit www.usaf.ac.za.