August 11, 2023
August 2, 2024

TIEF 2023 Strategic Internationalization Grant Recipients

We're pleased to announce the winners of the TIEF Strategic Internationalization Grant competition...

TIEC is pleased to announce the winners of the Texas International Education Fund (TIEF) Strategic Internationalization Grant competition. In March 2023, TIEC announced a new grant competition for our members as part of our launch of TIEF, our signature effort to support our members through concrete actions. Earlier this summer, we posted the winners of the first two competitions, the COIL and Study Abroad Development grants. Today, we take immense pride in awarding three new grantees for Strategic Internationalization, intended to support new institutional efforts that will build greater campus internationalization over time. With these awards, TIEC has provided 22 grants total through TIEF.

Our final three awards support visionary efforts by Stephen F. Austin State University, Prairie View A&M University, and The University of Texas at Dallas. Each demonstrates commitment to integrating global learning into curricula, tangibly fostering a vibrant and inclusive culture on campus, and developing international partnerships that bring measurable outcomes to the university.

The TIEF application process did not define required focus or type of activity. Rather, we allowed our members to define their needs and argue how their projects would solve their challenges. We found it heartening that each of our winners focused on STEM students, and each builds a stronger institutional effort that will yield increases year on year. STEM students remain among the least likely to study abroad, yet are highly likely to find employment with multinational corporations and in jobs that require global competencies. We are pleased to be part of new efforts to tackle that challenge. We look forward to working with our winners to monitor and evaluate results, and to publishing our findings.

We invite you to read below and explore our winners’ proposed initiatives.

Study Abroad Capacity Building for STEM Advisors and Staff

Stephen F. Austin State University aims to generate radical increases in the number of STEM students studying abroad. With the unwavering support of TIEC and in partnership with Riga Technical University in Latvia, SFA is developing a robust network of study abroad advisors and mentors specific to STEM. SFA proposes that more frequent advising and more faculty-led programs will lead to greater student participation. With this premise in mind, TIEC and SFA will invest in the development of six new study abroad advisors. SFA will offer a number of trainings, after which these new advisors will travel to Latvia to collaborate with RTU, and plan the programs with sustainability and endurance at the heart of the initiative. Armed with profound insights, advisors will return empowered to guide students effectively, making study abroad an integral part of their academic journey. This visionary proposal aligns with SFA's strategic plan, equipping students for global challenges and fostering a culture of global engagement on campus.
Institutional Contact: Heather Catton, Director, International Programs

Enhancing Students' Global Competencies: Infusing UN Sustainable Development Goals into STEM Courses & Facilitating Student International Travel

Prairie View A&M University’s project integrates the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) into the core of STEM education, providing students with unique opportunities to engage in global learning and nurturing socially conscious leaders for the future. STEM educators actively participate in a dynamic community of practice, elevating their teaching, research, and service by focusing on sustainability. Additionally, students gain valuable insights through immersive encounters with international business and cultural leaders, enhancing their understanding of global sustainability practices. This initiative aligns with Prairie View A&M University's mission to foster global competencies among students and equip them to address complex global challenges.
Institutional Contact: Nathan Mitchell, Director of QEP

Global Scholars Certificate Program in a STEM Environment

The University of Texas at Dallas introduces the Global Scholars Certificate Program (GSCP) targeting students from diverse academic backgrounds. This program encourages students to embrace global engagement, even if they are unable to pursue traditional study abroad opportunities. With a keen focus on international perspectives within STEM curricula, the GSCP equips students with unparalleled critical thinking skills and a broader understanding of their disciplines. The program fosters reflective learning, ensuring students embrace their international engagement as a catalyst for future success. By offering a comprehensive approach to global education, UT Dallas is preparing its students to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.
Institutional Contact: Donal Skinner, Dean of Hobson Wildenthal Honors College

These grants exemplify TIEF's commitment to supporting the internationalization efforts of consortium members, fostering cross-cultural understanding, and contributing to global sustainability. We look forward to witnessing the impact of these initiatives in expanding international education opportunities.