May 17, 2024

Introducing our Preferred Partner Network

The TIEC Preferred Partner Network serves as a platform for higher education consortia and nonprofit organizations to collaborate on a diverse range of activities aimed at enhancing the quality of education and promoting cross-cultural understanding.


The Texas International Education Consortium Preferred Partner Network: Uniting Education Worldwide

In today's interconnected world, education is a powerful catalyst for shaping the future and fostering global understanding. Recognizing this, the Texas International Education Consortium (TIEC) has been a pioneer in promoting global education and facilitating international partnerships since its establishment in 1985. With the launch of the TIEC Preferred Partner Network, a new chapter begins in our mission to create a more interconnected, innovative, and inclusive world through education.

Enhancing Education and Cross-Cultural Understanding
The TIEC Preferred Partner Network serves as a platform for higher education consortia and nonprofit organizations to collaborate on a diverse range of activities aimed at enhancing the quality of education and promoting cross-cultural understanding. By joining this robust network, organizations demonstrate their commitment to international education and their successful track record in facilitating international partnerships and programs.

Criteria for Partnership
To become a TIEC Preferred Partner, organizations must meet stringent criteria that ensure their dedication to advancing global education. This includes having an established network of universities and members, as well as a genuine willingness to engage in sustained collaboration with TIEC and its member institutions. This rigorous selection process guarantees that the network consists of like-minded organizations genuinely invested in promoting global education.

Benefits of Partnership
The benefits of becoming a TIEC Preferred Partner are vast. Partners gain access to a consortium of over 40 universities, opening doors to invaluable opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and joint initiatives. The network provides avenues for synergistic grant development, enabling partners to secure funding for innovative projects and programs. Partners can actively contribute to shaping the future of education while gaining recognition as leaders in the field. Additionally, partners enjoy enhanced visibility and branding, strengthening their presence in the global education landscape.

Notable Partners
During the NAFSA 2023 Conference, TIEC celebrated several new partnerships with notable organizations that have joined our network:

Presidents' Alliance
This consortium unites university leaders across the U.S. dedicated to expanding access to higher education for all students, regardless of their backgrounds. TIEC's partnership with the Presidents' Alliance enables us to spearhead initiatives that promote global education and create innovative educational models, ensuring that international opportunities are accessible to a diverse range of students.

Education New Zealand
With a focus on fostering educational connections between New Zealand and the rest of the world, Education New Zealand brings valuable expertise to the Preferred Partner Network. Their collaboration with TIEC creates opportunities for students and faculty members to engage in enriching academic experiences and research partnerships.

The Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE)
IOHE, a leading regional organization dedicated to higher education in the Americas, strengthens the Preferred Partner Network's reach across the Americas. Their participation facilitates intercontinental collaboration and promotes educational exchange programs, fostering cultural understanding and cooperation.

Diversity Abroad Network
As a champion for equitable access in global education, the Diversity Abroad Network enriches the Preferred Partner Network with valuable insights and resources. Our partnership with them facilitates inclusive efforts to internationalize education, providing equal access and opportunities for students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Colombia Challenge Your Knowledge (CCYK)
As an organization promoting education and knowledge sharing in Colombia, CCYK connects TIEC with educational institutions and initiatives in Colombia. This partnership fosters academic collaboration and enriches educational experiences for students from both Texas and Colombia.

National Association of System Heads (NASH)
Representing leaders of higher education systems in the United States, this organization brings collective knowledge and expertise to collaborate with TIEC and its member institutions. Together, we drive initiatives that enhance educational quality and global engagement, ensuring excellence in education across borders.

Partners of the Americas
With a mission to connect individuals and institutions in the Americas to promote economic development, social inclusion, and cultural understanding, Partners of the Americas contributes valuable resources and network connections to the Preferred Partner Network. Their collaboration with TIEC facilitates educational partnerships and knowledge exchange throughout the Western Hemisphere.

Mexican Association for International Education (AMPEI)
AMPEI, a leading organization in Mexico dedicated to promoting international education and collaboration, strengthens ties between Texas and Mexico within the Preferred Partner Network. Through academic exchanges, joint research projects, and collaborative initiatives, this partnership broadens educational horizons.

Institute for Study Abroad
Renowned for providing high-quality study abroad experiences, the Institute for Study Abroad offers expertise in program management. Their involvement in the Preferred Partner Network enables TIEC and its member institutions to enhance global programs, offering diverse international opportunities to students.

The launch of the TIEC Preferred Partner Network signifies a remarkable milestone in the global education landscape. By bringing together a network of respected organizations, TIEC fosters collaborations that transcend borders and cultures. Through sustained collaboration, joint initiatives, and knowledge exchange, TIEC and our partners are playing a crucial role in shaping the future of education and creating a world that values interconnectivity and cross-cultural understanding.