TIEC’s Business & Entrepreneurship Virtual Exchange connects faculty from universities in Iraq and Texas, U.S., through virtual exchange, preparing them to implement project-based virtual exchanges on a variety of business and entrepreneurship topics in their courses that will develop key academic skills and collaborative and interpersonal competencies.
The program prepares business and entrepreneurship faculty members from universities in Iraq and Texas, U.S., to design and implement virtual exchanges in their own courses. Faculty members explore resources and strategies to incorporate interpersonal communication and language-learning goals into their own virtual exchange programs. The training includes activities such as program mapping, planning, and design, technology integration, and critical thinking skills.
After participating in a virtual exchange firsthand, faculty facilitate thoughtful project-based exchanges in their own courses on a variety of business and entrepreneurship topics. Examples of these activities include a final pitch and plan, opportunity analysis, business plan, value creation and delivery exercise, and a new venture concept, among many other possibilities.
“At a time when education remains in flux in a post-pandemic world, complex global issues are front of mind, and young people excitedly return to in-person gatherings, virtual exchange continues to be an important learning tool. By fostering unique online spaces for young people to come together over shared challenges and triumphs, virtual exchange moves us toward a more connected and inclusive world. These new grantees play a critical role in making this possible, and participants of this program will undoubtedly approach the future with the belief they can impact their communities and the world around them,” said Christine Shiau, Executive Director of the Stevens Initiative.
The Stevens Initiative is an international leader in virtual exchange, which brings young people from diverse places together to collaborate and connect through everyday technology. Created in 2015 as a lasting tribute to Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, the Initiative invests in virtual exchange programs; shares research, resources, and promising practices to improve impact; and advocates for broader adoption.