Study Abroad Program Development Grant

A multi-year study abroad program development grant aimed at underrepresented student-travelers. The grant supports faculty and staff members in the development of new faculty-directed study abroad programs.

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Up to $6000

The Texas International Education Fund will award up to nine institutions with a multi-year study abroad program development grant. During year one of the award, the grants will support faculty and staff members in their development of new faculty-directed programs.

The application deadline for this grant is May 31, 2025. Download the application rubric here.

Interested in collaborating with another university on a grant application but need help getting connected? Please fill out our Collaboration Interest Form and TIEC will be happy to assist you.


  • The faculty-led program must be 2 weeks or longer.
  • Faculty-led programs must operate during year two, at a minimum.
  • Only TIEC member institution faculty and staff are eligible to apply.  


While TIEF is interested in supporting the development of all new faculty-directed programs, proposals that include the following will receive priority:

  • Proposals that include a sustainability plan, such as including more than one faculty or staff member, methods for measuring impact, and support of leadership to continue the program after the expiration of the grant period
  • Proposals from academic units that will provide additional funds during either year 1 or 2 of the grant
  • Proposals that are expanding opportunities on existing programs
  • Proposals that include a strong connection to two or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the details of which can be found here
  • Proposals for the development of programs for institutions/academic areas/colleges that do not currently have a faculty-directed program

Potential Covered Expenses

  • Travel expenses related to a site visit
  • Professional development opportunities with direct relevance to creating and sustaining a new study abroad program and measuring impact

In addition, during year two, funds will be used to lower the student cost during its first year of operation. The Senior International Officer (or designated representative of international programs for the institution) will propose one faculty-led program from their institution to be considered for this grant.

Fund Information

The total amount of the two-year grant will not exceed $6,000. A maximum of $4,000 can be associated with travel expenses related to a site visit or professional development opportunity. At least $2,000 must be directed to lower overall student cost of the proposed study abroad program. Selected institutions will decide whether they would accept the funds as a direct donation, grant or gift.

Note: TIEC reserves the right to deny items in the budget that they deem as an improper use of funds. TIEC does not allow indirect costs for any TIEF grant.


Impact of Proposal

  • Will this proposed program increase the study abroad opportunities for students within your institution?  
  • Will a good number of students be involved in this program, in contrast to only a few?  
  • Is there a strong probability of program implementation and/or continuity if this proposal is funded?  
  • Is there evidence of positive departmental support for the proposed program?

Quality of Proposal  

  • Does the proposal articulate a well-thought-out plan for developing a study abroad program/course?  
  • Does the proposal contain creative ideas with a credible, appropriate, and attainable approach
  • Is the budget complete and realistic?

Requirements of Award

  • Recipients must initiate the timeline/show initial objectives met within the first twelve months.
  • Successful recipients are expected to provide a summary (up to 4 pages) of project outcomes and any proposed next steps within one month of completion.
  • Recipient bios and project summaries will be featured on the TIEC website.
  • TIEC believes in creating space for members to share achievements among their peers. As such, recipients agree to present their programs and outcomes for a TIEC-organized webinar or Operating Council meeting.
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