Strategic Internationalization Grant

A grant for new institutional efforts that reach students whose curricula traditionally offer few opportunities for international programs. The grant supports initiatives at the university-wide or institutional level to advance the internationalization capacity of our members.

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$10,000 – $20,000

The Strategic Internationalization Grant supports new institutional efforts that will build greater campus internationalization over time.

Applications which focus on the following themes will be given priority, but other proposals are welcomed:

  • Integrating global learning into the curriculum and co-curriculum
  • Tangibly fostering a vibrant and inclusive culture for domestic and international students, staff, and faculty
  • International partnerships which bring measurable outcomes or benefit to students, programs, or the university

Applications are likely to be rated more highly when they bring internationalization efforts to campus, have positive impacts on underrepresented students and/or fields of study, reach a substantial number of students, faculty, or staff, and have clear timelines and outcomes. Download the application rubric for this grant here.

Successful proposals will include:

  • Strategic alignment — articulation to the university or college’s overall internationalization goals and grant priorities.
  • UN SDG Alignment — a strong connection to two or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the details of which can be found here.
  • Approach — effectiveness of plan to achieve desired outcomes; scalability and sustainability of the initiative.
  • Scale of impact — number of community and stakeholder beneficiaries and impact over time.
  • Innovation — applying funds toward groundbreaking, unique, and otherwise outside- the-box ideas, partnerships and collaborations; and advancing internationalization in emerging fields of study.
  • Impactful use of funds — measurable and scalable outcomes and/or direct tangible impacts from funds expended; efficient/appropriate/wise use of funds.

Applications which primarily benefit a single person, or which are not sustainable or scalable, are discouraged. Any proposed funds directed to individual students or faculty in the form of stipends, off-sets, travel grants, honoraria, overtime, etc. must be transparently described in the application.

The application deadline for this grant is May 31, 2025.
TIEC reserves the right to deny items in the budget that they deem as an improper use of funds. Note: TIEC does not allow indirect costs for any TIEF grant.


  • All TIEC member institution faculty and staff are eligible to apply.
  • Only one award per institution (if multiple proposals submitted)


  • Relevance — Proposals should be relevant to your university’s internationalization strategy and address strategic priorities within your institution.
  • Feasibility — Proposals must demonstrate the feasibility of the program/project during the grant period.
  • Sustainability — Proposals must demonstrate a plan for the scope and impact of the programs/projects beyond the grant period.
  • UN SDG Alignment — Proposals must include a strong connection to two or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Financial — Proposals must provide a detailed budget of the funding requested. Direct and/or in-kind cost sharing is strongly encouraged. A line-item budget and justification must be submitted as part of the proposal.


  • Recipients must initiate the timeline/show initial objectives met within the first twelve months.
  • Successful recipients are expected to provide a summary (up to 4 pages) of project outcomes and any proposed next steps within one month of completion.
  • Recipient bios and project summaries will be featured on the TIEC website.
  • TIEC believes in creating space for members to share achievements among their peers. As such, recipients agree to present their programs and outcomes for a TIEC-organized webinar or Operating Council meeting.
Apply Here