energy industry leadership Training

Risk Management for Energy Professionals Certificate program

Our Risk Management for Energy Professionals Certificate program offers a comprehensive learning journey designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the intricate landscape of risk in the energy sector.

By enrolling in this program, candidates can expect to gain:

Mastering Risk Analysis & Uncertainty Modeling: Learn to manage risk effectively, aiding organizations in making informed decisions during energy transitions. Discover frameworks for analyzing decisions, assessing uncertainty levels, and evaluating investment decisions for risk factors. Topics encompass risk governance, assessment, management, communication, and financing. Dive into climate and systemic risks, including biodiversity loss, to develop a holistic understanding of risk dynamics.

Proficiency in Probability Assessment: Develop the skills to conduct accurate probability assessments for decision-making and risk management. Understand how to ensure the quality of probability assessments by minimizing bias and enhancing assessment accuracy. Topics cover probability theory, scenario analysis, sales forecasting, and risk evaluation, providing you with a robust toolkit for handling probability in risk scenarios.

Nurturing Expertise in Energy Trading: Gain insight into fundamental concepts of physical and financial energy commodity trading. Understand energy business processes related to trading, including risk analysis, controls, compliance, and accounting. Explore IT needs arising from trading tools and technology services for energy firms. Delve into the physical and financial aspects of various energy commodities, tracing their journey from production to usage.

Enhancing Risk Management Proficiency: Develop expertise in tackling risk and facilitating informed decision making in the volatile energy sector. Acquire essential skills for industry executives, including data-driven risk management, analytics, and strategic planning. Topics include modeling uncertainty, valuation, probability assessment, mitigating real-world risk, strategic decision-making, and quantitative and qualitative risk analysis.

Enrolling in the Risk Management for Energy Professionals Certificate program equips candidates with a comprehensive skill set in risk analysis, probability assessment, energy trading, and enhancing risk management proficiency. This preparation empowers them to navigate the complexities of risk in the energy sector, make informed decisions, and contribute effectively to ensuring sustainable energy operations and growth.


This module will teach students how to understand and manage risk in a way that helps organizations make more informed decisions in a time of evolving energy transitions. It will guide students in choosing the right framework for analyzing a decision through understanding the level of uncertainty at play, and how to evaluate investment decisions for risk factors. Topics will include risk governance, including risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication. The module will spend time on risk financing, including insurance markets, as well as climate risks like biodiversity loss and systemic risks.


In this module, students will learn how to conduct effective probability assessments that can be used for decision making and risk management, while also ensuring their quality by discovering how to remove bias and determining whether someone is good at assessing probability. Topics will include probability theory, scenario analysis, sales forecasting, and risk evaluation.


This module will introduce fundamental concepts of physical and financial energy commodity trading, including energy business processes related to trading like scheduling, risk analysis, controls & compliance, and accounting. It will assess the IT needs that these tools create and provide a look into the business of providing technology services to energy firms.

Topics will include physical and financial aspects of the following energy commodities: crude, natural gas, natural gas liquids, gasoline, and power. The path of each commodity from the point of production to the point of use, the value chain, commodity market pricing and exchanges, and hedging will be covered.